第13课:Asking for direction 语言剖析

您所在的位置:网站首页 ask directions 第13课:Asking for direction 语言剖析

第13课:Asking for direction 语言剖析

2024-07-13 04:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

E13.Asking for direction问路对话场景

Elvin在国外迷路了,想去超市但是找不到,他是如何问路的呢?Elvin was lost in Dubai. He couldn't find the supermarket. How did he ask for directions?Elvin:Excuse me, I'm lost. Where is the supermarket?(不好意思,我迷路了。超市在哪里?)Foreigner:Oh, hello. Walk south for 5 minutes.(哦,你好啊。往南走五分钟。)Elvin:Ok.(好的。)Foreigner:Then take a right when you get near the hospital.(看到医院往右拐。)Elvin:Uh huh(...呃...好...)Foreigner:Go straight, and then it will be on your left next to the movie theater.(笔直走,在你左手边,靠近电影院那里。)Elvin:Ok, I understand. Thank you!(好的,我知道了。谢谢!)语言剖析

1. Excuse me, Where is the supermarket?Excuse me 打扰一下,请问向陌生人问路时,请以‘excuse me’开头。最常见的几种问路句型有:"Excuse me. Do you know where the supermarket is?"请问,你知道超市怎么走吗?"Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest hospital?"打扰一下,你能帮我指一下去最近医院的路吗?"Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the movie theater from here?"不好意思,你知道如何从这里到电影院吗?"Excuse me? I'm looking for the bank. Do you know how to get there?"你好,我在找银行,你知道怎么走吗"Excuse me. What is the best way to get to the hospital?"打扰一下,哪条路是去医院最方便的路呢? 2. I’m lost.I'm lost. 是在这里表示迷路了,迷失方向引深意是茫然,不知所措。前两天还有宝宝在后台说,“Thank you Elvin.I would be lost without your help.”谢谢Elvin帮我提升发音,没有你的帮助我还真的不知道该如何提升发音呢!另外还有一个词I’m at a lose.也表示一脸茫然,一脸懵逼。What are you talking about?I’m at a lose.你在胡说什么啊,我一脸懵逼。3. Walk south for 5 minutes Walk south for 5 minutes 向南走五分钟向Walk 和 south之间不需要加任何介词,south叫南,那其他的方位怎么说呢?东east,西west 这里还有一个习语,East or west,home is the best.不管东边还是西边,家就是最好的。言下之意就是 金窝银窝,不如自家的狗窝。 新东方不叫new east,而是New oriental. 4. Then take a right when you get near the hospital.take a right 向右拐迷take a right 表示向右拐,意思和turn right一样,这里还有一个非常有意思的表达,大家先自己猜一下是什么意思哈,Your left brain has nothing right,and your right brain has nothing left.这里的right还有正确的意思,left还有剩余的意思,所以连起来的意思就是你的左脑没有容纳任何正确的东西,而你的右脑却是空空如也。 5. Go straightGo straight,一直走迷straight本身是笔直的,不弯曲的意思,用在时间上的话就表示直接的,立刻,相当于immediately,下班后小E老师有点累,倒头就睡着了。I was so tired and I went straight to bed.在品行上直接,不绕弯就表示坦诚的,直率的,I don‘t think you’re being straight with me.我觉得你没有跟我坦诚相见,太不够哥们了。6. next tonext to 在...旁边next to,意思是 close to,在...旁边,I live next to Jason.我住在Jason隔壁。The hospital is next to the supermarket.医院在超市旁边。I work next to the movie theater.我工作的地方在电影院旁边。当堂检测

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/kouyu/201803/545704.shtml




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